Rules of Communication


  • Deadline for submission: The submission of the communications summary must be made before February 14 of 2020, included. Summaries of communications received after the deadline date will not be accepted.
  • The summaries of the communications must be sent to the mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The summary of the communications must be structured as follows: Title, Authors (Names and surnames), Affiliation, contact email, text with a maximum of 500 words that includes the following sections: Introduction and Goals, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  • Only a summary or abstract will be accepted per principal author, the first author being the first author. A maximum of five authors are allowed in the communications. Works published or that have been accepted to be published previously will not be accepted.
  • The sending of the communication summary presupposes the full acceptance of these criteria, in fact, the Organizing Committee may reject the communication that does not adapt to any of the rules set forth.
  • The communications accepted by the Scientific Committee will be distributed and presented in the different Plenary Sessions that will take place on the different days of the Congress.
  • The communications accepted by the Scientific Committee will be notified to the first author from February 21, 2020. In that notification, the date and time at which the communication must be submitted to the Congress will be indicated. The maximum time for the exhibition will be 15 minutes.
  • After acceptance, the author or authors must send the full text of the communication to the Congress Organizing Committee. The presentation of a Communication implies the acceptance of these Rules, the transfer of rights by all authors and the consent for their subsequent publication.
  • The communications must be presented orally, in Spanish, by the first author and it will be necessary for at least one author of the communication to register for the congress in order to present it and receive the corresponding certificate.
  • The presentation of communications has a price of 53€ that will be effective once the communication is accepted.

Thematic areas in communications:

  • Feminist Pedagogy
  • Co-education
  • Woman & Education
  • Coeducational didactic resources
  • Teacher training and Feminism




  • Deadline for submission: The poster summary must be sent before February 14 of 2020, included. Abstracts of posters received after that date will not be accepted.
  • The abstracts of the posters must be sent to the mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • The summary of the posters should be structured as follows: Title, Authors (Names and surnames), Affiliation, contact email, text with a maximum of 500 words that includes the following sections: Introduction and Goals, Material and Methods, Results and Conclusion.
  • Only two poster abstracts or summaries will be accepted per main author, the main author being the first author. A maximum of five authors are allowed on the posters. Works published or that have been accepted to be published previously will not be accepted.
  • Sending the poster summary presupposes full acceptance of these criteria, in fact, the Organizing Committee may reject the poster that does not conform to any of the standards set forth.
  • The posters accepted by the Scientific Committee will be displayed on the boards set up in the Assembly Hall of the Teacher Training School during the Congress.
  • The posters accepted by the Scientific Committee will be notified to the first author, starting on February 21, 2020.
  • After acceptance, the author or authors must send a PDF document with the full poster to the Congress Organizing Committee. The presentation of a Poster implies the acceptance of these Rules, the transfer of rights by all authors and the consent for their subsequent publication.
  • The posters must be presented in 50 cm wide x 1.00 cm high, in Spanish, by the first author and it will be necessary for at least one author of the poster to register for the congress in order to present it and receive the corresponding certificate.
  • The author who presents the poster must be in the vicinity of the poster during the coffee breaks / breaks of the Congress to be able to present it to the people who are interested in it.
  • The presentation of posters has a price of 53€ that will be effective once the communication is accepted.